To understand and address the many challenges in providing a quality education for children of migrants from Myanmar (Burma) living in Thailand, World Education and Save the Children have carried out a comprehensive review of the sector. This policy brief presents a summary of some of the key findings and recommendations.
Over the past decade, Thailand has received a large number of migrant workers from its neighboring country, Myanmar (Burma), along with hundreds of thousands of their children. However, the provision of education to the children of migrant workers from Myanmar living in Thailand varies significantly across the country. This report assesses the current educational opportunities available to migrant children in Thailand in order to identify best practices, weaknesses, and challenges, and to understand the needs and vision of migrant communities. This will allow for evidence-based recommendations for the strengthening of education for migrant children in Thailand.
World Education implemented the education component of the USAID-funded Supporting Health, Institution Building, Education and Leadership in Policy Dialogue (SHIELD) project from 2005-2010. Education quality and access was improved for thousands of children.
Wide Horizons is an adaptive learning center established by World Education Thailand in 2006. The students who attend do an intensive study of community development skills and English. As part of this, they have written newsletters about their activities.
World Education implements the education component of the Project for Local Empowerment (PLE). The Overview outlines the programs implemented and partners involved.