Non-Formal Education

Non formal education iconOut-of-school and vulnerable youth are given an alternative pathway to education and accreditation through non-formal education (NFE). World Education has been instrumental in creating two paths to accreditation for youth in NFE programs through PLE advocacy efforts: 1) displaced students in Thailand can earn Thai accreditation by completing a NFE curriculum modified specifically for their situation or 2) migrant youth returning to school in Myanmar (Burma) can earn certification through Myanmar’s non-formal primary education (NFPE) curriculum. In summary, NFE programs include:

  • Thai-accredited NFE
  • Myanmar NFPE in PLE-supported NFE centers
  • Children at NFPE CenterYouth Connect Stay in School (SiS) program


Non-Formal Primary Education (NFPE) Centers Get a Solid Foundation

Cooperation with Myanmar Government Leads to Second Chance for Returning Youth

First Cohort of NFPE Students Pass Exams and Earn Recognized Certificates

Local Implementing Partners
Migrant Education Coordination Center
Youth Connect